Monday, February 22, 2016

John Maxwell Leadership Blog Post

John C Maxwell is one of the most well respected leadership writers and speakers of the modern generation.  With easy to understand anecdotes and a writing style that makes for a quick read, his books on leadership and being a more influential person have become bestsellers.  His blog takes this same style and substance and boils it down to an easy to digest sample of what many of his books expand on.  His recent post about four styles of leadership is a great piece about how a coach and leader in the workplace can lead more effectively.  Please take the time to read his post by following this link

It is great that his third point is titled bench stacking, because as a coach and leader this sports analogy is easy to understand.  While the analogy is good, the post could use another point of leadership style.  This point might be a prerequisite for the other four, but it is not necessarily a given in every team situation.  This idea is that first, the leader must form the team and get the buy in of the other team members.  As Maxwell explains good clear communication can aid in this formation, but so does taking time to get to know every team member at a more personal level.  Knowing your team members is important for the leader, as this leads to individualized attention in motivation and rewards.  This added benefit of a close team is easily seen in sports, where a coach with a well-bonded team usually says so after the team has won a championship.  The same can happen for you and your team, whatever your championship or ultimate goal might be. 

Give Mr. Maxwell’s blog a read as he posts new content around once a week.  For any leader or coach it is appointment reading.  Also, keep checking back with us for more great posts about coaching and leadership to help you move to the next level.

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